Monday, November 7, 2016

Outdoor Sport

This old dry stone retaining wall that runs along side the entire length of the football field of Lakefield College School likely would have been built when the school was founded back in 1879.
As you can see it is now in need of some major repair.
I was asked to lead about a hundred of the students in an unusual athletic project involving the dismantling and rebuilding of the wall.

Two weeks ago the students began the fun task of preping the site by rolling all the stones away.

As the old wall was taken apart, new friendships were formed

This is how it looked last month when we assembled again to do some preliminary placing of the larger boulders

This was my volunteer team for that brisk Sunday afternoon  in October

We got about 50 feet of foundation done of large face boulders.

Some of the boulders would have needed two or three men to move them, but none of the rocks were any match for the eight strong school athletes who wrestling each one into position.  

Well done team!

See you on the 20th of October for more special outdoor sports activity.