Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Former Students

We are gearing up this week for the big Perth Dry Stone Wall Festival in Perth Ontario next weekend. John Bland and John Scott have designed a sweet 12 foot span dry stone bridge to go over part of the Tay River as well as an enclosed dry stone swimming area to shore up the banks of the river directly upstream from the bridge. 

Lots of skilled volunteers are already gathering for this event. 

There will be a great deal of dry stone excitement as the bridge enters its final building stage on the weekend, as well the finishing of the river bank walls and the running of the two day beginner’s walling workshop taught by Nick Aitken and Norman Haddowfrom Scotland. Plan to be here.

Here is where the bridge will go.

John is holding one of the half plywood ribs of the former (also called 'centering') for size. I will be building the wood form today with some help from former Algonquin College students. It will hold up the bridge until the stone arch is completed and the wood is removed.